Genesis: Chapter-by-Chapter Commentary

00:00:00 - Chapter 1: Creation
00:05:57 - Chapter 2: Eden
00:18:01 - Chapter 3: Fall
00:31:00 - Chapter 4: Cain and Abel
00:41:29 - Chapter 5: Adam to Noah
00:49:35 - Chapter 6: Noah
01:06:11 - Chapter 7: The Flood Comes
01:13:05 - Chapter 8: The Flood Subsides
01:21:12 - Chapter 9: The Noahic Covenant
01:33:16 - Chapter 10: Table of Nations
01:39:10 - Chapter 11: Babel
01:48:43 - Chapter 12: Call of Abram
01:58:33 - Chapter 13: Division from Lot
02:04:46 - Chapter 14: Victory over the Kings
02:16:34 - Chapter 15: God Makes a Covenant with Abram
02:30:21 - Chapter 16: Sarai and Hagar
02:43:06 - Chapter 17: Circumcision and the Covenant
02:59:00 - Chapter 18: The Visitation of the Angels
03:13:56 - Chapter 19: Destruction of Sodom
03:27:19 - Chapter 20: Abraham and Abimelech
03:40:59 - Chapter 21: Casting out Hagar and Ishmael
03:57:11 - Chapter 22: Binding of Isaac
04:17:47 - Chapter 23: Burial of Sarah
04:28:53 - Chapter 24: Rebekah
04:37:10 - Chapter 25: Esau and Jacob
04:46:10 - Chapter 26: Isaac and Abimelech
04:57:53 - Chapter 27: Deception of Isaac
05:14:33 - Chapter 28: Jacob at Bethel
05:23:28 - Chapter 29: Leah and Rachel
05:36:51 - Chapter 30: Jacob Prospers in Haran
05:51:43 - Chapter 31: Jacob Flees from Laban
05:59:54 - Chapter 32: Wrestling with the Angel
06:11:09 - Chapter 33: Jacob Meets Esau
06:22:30 - Chapter 34: Dinah
06:33:24 - Chapter 35: Death of Rachel and Birth of Benjamin
06:46:32 - Chapter 36: Esau's Descendants
06:58:53 - Chapter 37: Joseph Sold into Egypt
07:17:29 - Chapter 38: Judah and Tamar
07:35:28 - Chapter 39: Joseph in Potiphar's House
07:47:02 - Chapter 40: Baker and Cupbearer's Dreams
08:00:26 - Chapter 41: Joseph's Rise to Power
08:15:32 - Chapter 42: Joseph's Brothers First Visit to Egypt
08:26:14 - Chapter 43: Joseph's Brothers Return to Egypt
08:34:42 - Chapter 44: Judah Intercedes for Benjamin
08:43:05 - Chapter 45: Joseph Reveals Himself
08:51:00 - Chapter 46: Jacob's Family Goes to Egypt
09:00:55 - Chapter 47: The Famine
09:13:08 - Chapter 48: Jacob's Blessing of Ephraim and Manasseh
09:23:13 - Chapter 49: Jacob's Blessing of his Sons
09:41:25 - Chapter 50: Deaths and Burials of Jacob and Joseph
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