
Why Emphasize Evangelism When the Bible Only Mentions the Great Commission Four Times?

#STRask — Stand to Reason

Why Emphasize Evangelism When the Bible Only Mentions the Great Commission Four Times?

August 22, 2024
#STRaskStand to Reason

Questions about why evangelism is emphasized above other commands in the Bible, what to do when speaking the truth in love hurts someone’s feelings, and how to best love and share the gospel with a friend who rejects it because of bad experiences with Christians.

* Why is it hammered into us that Christians need to go out and evangelize when the Great Commission is mentioned only four times in the Bible and other commands spoken of throughout the Bible (love, servitude, humility, etc.) seem to get less exhortation?

* How should I deal with someone saying, “You hurt my feelings,” when I’m speaking the truth in love? What do I do when preaching the gospel hurts someone’s feelings because it exposes their sin, and how can I debunk the current worship of feelings?

* How can I best love a friend who has repeatedly rejected the gospel because of negative experiences she’s had in hostile Christian circles?


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