
Isn’t It Better to Do Good for Goodness’ Sake?

#STRask — Stand to Reason

Isn’t It Better to Do Good for Goodness’ Sake?

September 2, 2024
#STRaskStand to Reason

Questions about it being better to do good for goodness’ sake rather than to earn approval and avoid punishment and a good initial approach to take with someone who rejects God based on his “violent” and “oppressive” character in the Old Testament.  

* I want my children to do good for goodness’ sake. Doing it to earn my approval and avoid my punishment is the absolute worst outcome I can imagine, as is requiring them to relentlessly thank me for helping them find it—and I’m just a human!

* What's a good initial approach to take with someone who rejects God based on his “violent” and “oppressive” character in the Old Testament, regardless of good arguments about his being objectively moral?


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