
Do We Always Need to Make the Case that Christian Morality Is the Best Way to Live?

#STRask — Stand to Reason

Do We Always Need to Make the Case that Christian Morality Is the Best Way to Live?

September 26, 2024
#STRaskStand to Reason

Questions about whether Christians can simply say that God’s moral requirements are a show of loyalty to him rather than argue they’re the best way to live, whether references to unforgivable sins contradict the idea that all our sins are forgiven, and praying for Satan.  

* Christians often try to make the case that Christian morality is the best way to live, but at some point could we simply say God’s requirements are a show of loyalty to him irrespective of any possible impact on society?

* How does the idea that all our sins have been forgiven align with the many references to mortal sins that can’t be forgiven?

* How would you respond to Mark Twain’s question about why no Christian has had the common humanity to pray for Satan?


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