
Strategies for Unity (Part 4)

Strategies for Unity — Steve Gregg

Strategies for Unity (Part 4)

Strategies for Unity
Strategies for UnitySteve Gregg

In this segment, Steve Gregg discusses strategies for promoting unity within the Christian community. He emphasizes the need to humble oneself and avoid taking offense unnecessarily, as well as to give others their rights for the sake of unity. Gregg also encourages the practice of forgiveness and surrendering one's own interests for the benefit of others, while cautioning against gossip and promoting peace-making. Overall, his message highlights the importance of promoting positive relationships and seeking to build bridges rather than create divisions.


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Series by Steve Gregg

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Steve Gregg provides a comprehensive analysis of the biblical book of Jude, exploring its themes of faith, perseverance, and the use of apocryphal lit
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