
Evidence Against Creation

Creation and Evolution
Creation and EvolutionSteve Gregg

Steve Gregg presents evidence against the theory of evolution, specifically focusing on scientific and naturalistic explanations. Highlighting that supernatural forces cannot be subject to scientific inquiry, Gregg argues that the evidence from the real world does not support a naturalistic explanation for the origins of living things. He aims to demonstrate that the evidence undermines the evolutionary paradigm, rather than proving the validity of the creationist notion. Gregg questions the function of certain structures in organisms and challenges the notion of upward change in evolutionary theory, citing examples such as embryology and the study of fruit flies. He argues that experiments involving the peppered moth and observations of mutations further weaken the evolutionary theory.


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Series by Steve Gregg

2 Thessalonians
2 Thessalonians
A thought-provoking biblical analysis by Steve Gregg on 2 Thessalonians, exploring topics such as the concept of rapture, martyrdom in church history,
Steve Gregg teaches a verse-by-verse study of the book of Philemon, examining the historical context and themes, and drawing insights from Paul's pray
Steve Gregg provides a thought-provoking analysis of the book of Joel, exploring themes of judgment, restoration, and the role of the Holy Spirit.
In this 32-part series, Steve Gregg provides an in-depth verse-by-verse analysis of various Psalms, highlighting their themes, historical context, and
2 Corinthians
2 Corinthians
This series by Steve Gregg is a verse-by-verse study through 2 Corinthians, covering various themes such as new creation, justification, comfort durin
In Steve Gregg's engaging exploration of the book of Haggai, he highlights its historical context and key themes often overlooked in this prophetic wo
Some Assembly Required
Some Assembly Required
Steve Gregg's focuses on the concept of the Church as a universal movement of believers, emphasizing the importance of community and loving one anothe
Church History
Church History
Steve Gregg gives a comprehensive overview of church history from the time of the Apostles to the modern day, covering important figures, events, move
Steve Gregg provides a thorough examination of the book of Obadiah, exploring the conflict between Israel and Edom and how it relates to divine judgem
Word of Faith
Word of Faith
"Word of Faith" by Steve Gregg is a four-part series that provides a detailed analysis and thought-provoking critique of the Word Faith movement's tea
More Series by Steve Gregg

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