Challenges to Total Depravity (Part 2)
God's Sovereignty and Man's Salvation — Steve GreggNext in this series
Challenges to Uncondtional Election (Part 1)
Challenges to Total Depravity (Part 2)

God's Sovereignty and Man's SalvationSteve Gregg
In this segment, Steve Gregg challenges the idea of total depravity from a Calvinistic perspective. He argues that people have the ability to choose good and refuse evil, citing Proverbs 1:28-30 and Isaiah 66:3 as evidence. He also points out that many verses throughout Scripture suggest that individuals have the opportunity to glorify God without excuse. Gregg believes that regeneration does not necessarily come before faith and cites Acts 16:31 and Ephesians 1:13 as evidence. Finally, he questions why God would blind and harden individuals who are already in a state of depravity.
More from God's Sovereignty and Man's Salvation
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Next in this series
Challenges to Uncondtional Election (Part 1)
God's Sovereignty and Man's Salvation
In this talk, Steve Gregg addresses the challenges to unconditional election in Calvinism. He argues that the concept of monergism, where God alone do
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Challenges to Unconditional Election (Part 2)
God's Sovereignty and Man's Salvation
Steve Gregg discusses the challenges to the doctrine of unconditional election. He acknowledges that while the Bible states that "No one unless the Fa
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Challenges to Total Depravity (Part 1)
God's Sovereignty and Man's Salvation
In this lecture, Steve Gregg challenges the Calvinist view of total depravity by examining various biblical passages. He argues that while there is ev
Series by Steve Gregg

Unveiling the profound grief and consequences of Jerusalem's destruction, Steve Gregg examines the book of Lamentations in a two-part series, delving

In this six-part series, Steve Gregg provides verse-by-verse commentary on the book of Galatians, discussing topics such as true obedience, faith vers

Steve Gregg's 29-part series teaching verse by verse through the book of Romans, discussing topics such as justification by faith, reconciliation, and

The Jewish Roots Movement
"The Jewish Roots Movement" by Steve Gregg is a six-part series that explores Paul's perspective on Torah observance, the distinction between Jewish a

Steve Gregg teaches verse by verse through the book of Ezra, providing historical context, insights, and commentary on the challenges faced by the Jew

Content of the Gospel
"Content of the Gospel" by Steve Gregg is a comprehensive exploration of the transformative nature of the Gospel, emphasizing the importance of repent

Song of Songs
Delve into the allegorical meanings of the biblical Song of Songs and discover the symbolism, themes, and deeper significance with Steve Gregg's insig

When Shall These Things Be?
In this 14-part series, Steve Gregg challenges commonly held beliefs within Evangelical Church on eschatology topics like the rapture, millennium, and

2 Timothy
In this insightful series on 2 Timothy, Steve Gregg explores the importance of self-control, faith, and sound doctrine in the Christian life, urging b

In this 10-part series, Steve Gregg provides verse by verse teachings and insights through the book of Ephesians, emphasizing themes such as submissio
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