Proverbs Introduction (Part 2)
Proverbs — Steve GreggNext in this series
Proverbs Introduction (Part 3)
Proverbs Introduction (Part 2)

ProverbsSteve Gregg
In this section of his talk, Steve Gregg delves into the book of Proverbs and highlights the importance of wisdom in the Bible. He emphasizes the significance of applying wisdom in one's life, stating that it is a resource that can help people become more discerning and navigate towards a righteous path. Gregg stresses the importance of prioritizing God's law in decision-making rather than earthly wisdom because fearing God is the beginning of true knowledge. The speaker also emphasizes the value of generosity and diligence, pointing to Proverbs to underscore these principles.
More from Proverbs
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Next in this series
Proverbs Introduction (Part 3)
In this segment, Steve Gregg teaches about the book of Proverbs, focusing on the wisdom literature of the Old Testament. He highlights the importance
4 of 34

Proverbs Introduction (Part 4)
In this segment, Steve Gregg delves into the principles of Proverbs and how they can be applied to one's discretion. He explains that value has a hier
1 of 34

Proverbs Introduction (Part 1)
In this talk, Steve Gregg discusses the themes and structure of the book of Proverbs in the Bible. He notes that the book does not follow a specific t
Series by Steve Gregg

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In the series "Nahum" by Steve Gregg, the speaker explores the divine judgment of God upon the wickedness of the city Nineveh during the Assyrian rule

Torah Observance
In this 4-part series titled "Torah Observance," Steve Gregg explores the significance and spiritual dimensions of adhering to Torah teachings within

Creation and Evolution
In the series "Creation and Evolution" by Steve Gregg, the evidence against the theory of evolution is examined, questioning the scientific foundation

Steve Gregg teaches verse by verse through the book of Acts, providing insights on the early church, the actions of the apostles, and the mission to s

Word of Faith
"Word of Faith" by Steve Gregg is a four-part series that provides a detailed analysis and thought-provoking critique of the Word Faith movement's tea

1 Samuel
In this 15-part series, Steve Gregg teaches verse by verse through the biblical book of 1 Samuel, examining the story of David's journey to becoming k

In this 11-part series, Steve Gregg teaches verse by verse through the book of Job, discussing topics such as suffering, wisdom, and God's role in hum
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