Risen Jesus

Risen Jesus

Mike Licona

The Risen Jesus podcast with Dr. Mike Licona equips people to have a deeper understanding of the Gospel, history, and New Testament studies.

The Resurrection - Argument from Personal Incredulity or Methodological Naturalism - Licona vs. Dillahunty - Part 2

The Resurrection - Argument from Personal Incredulity or Methodological Naturalism - Licona vs. Dillahunty - Part 2

March 26, 2025

In this episode, Dr. Licona provides a positive case for the resurrection of Jesus at the 2017 [UN]Apologetic Conference in Austin, Texas. He bases his argument on contentions that 1) empirical data strongly suggests that reality has a supernatural dimension and 2) that historical data strongly sugg

The Resurrection - Argument from Personal Incredulity or Methodological Naturalism - Licona vs. Dillahunty - Part 1

The Resurrection - Argument from Personal Incredulity or Methodological Naturalism - Licona vs. Dillahunty - Part 1

March 19, 2025

In this episode, Dr. Licona provides a positive case for the resurrection of Jesus at the 2017 [UN]Apologetic Conference in Austin, Texas. He bases his argument on contentions that 1) empirical data strongly suggests that reality has a supernatural dimension and 2) that historical data strongly sugg

Jesus' Bodily Resurrection - A Legendary Development Based on Hallucinations - Licona vs. Carrier - Part 2

Jesus' Bodily Resurrection - A Legendary Development Based on Hallucinations - Licona vs. Carrier - Part 2

March 12, 2025

In this episode, a 2004 debate between Mike Licona and Richard Carrier, Licona presents a case for the resurrection of Jesus based on three facts that are strongly evidenced and acknowledged by the majority of scholars: 1) Jesus’ death by crucifixion, 2) the empty tomb, and 3) the experiences of Jes

Jesus' Bodily Resurrection - A Legendary Development Based on Hallucinations - Licona vs. Carrier - Part 1

Jesus' Bodily Resurrection - A Legendary Development Based on Hallucinations - Licona vs. Carrier - Part 1

March 5, 2025

In this episode, a 2004 debate between Mike Licona and Richard Carrier, Licona presents a case for the resurrection of Jesus based on three facts that are strongly evidenced and acknowledged by the majority of scholars: 1) Jesus’ death by crucifixion, 2) the empty tomb, and 3) the experiences of Jes

Interrogating Jesus - Veritas Forum Lecture at Texas A&M

Interrogating Jesus - Veritas Forum Lecture at Texas A&M

February 25, 2025

In this lecture at Texas A&M University, Dr. Licona discusses whether we can rationally believe in the resurrection of Jesus. He then engages with a panel of prominent students who ask tough questions about the resurrection.

Can Psychology Explain Away the Resurrection? A Licona Carrier Debate - Part 2

Can Psychology Explain Away the Resurrection? A Licona Carrier Debate - Part 2

February 19, 2025

According to Dr. Richard Carrier, Christianity arose among individuals who, due to their schizotypal personalities, believed that their hallucinations of a risen Jesus were reality. In his view, this naturalistic explanation accounts well for the resurrection claims and is like the reported mass hal

Can Psychology Explain Away the Resurrection? A Licona Carrier Debate - Part 1

Can Psychology Explain Away the Resurrection? A Licona Carrier Debate - Part 1

February 12, 2025

According to Dr. Richard Carrier, Christianity arose among individuals who, due to their schizotypal personalities, believed that their hallucinations of a risen Jesus were reality. In his view, this naturalistic explanation accounts well for the resurrection claims and is like the reported mass hal

Are Christian Claims Verifiable? Does It Matter?

Are Christian Claims Verifiable? Does It Matter?

February 5, 2025

In this episode of the Risen Jesus podcast, we join Dr. Michael Licona and Dr. Courtney Friesen as they discuss the verifiability of Christian claims are verifiable and if it even matters. Dr. Licona argues the affirmative case on both points, sharing several universally agreed-upon facts about Jesu

Can Historians Prove the Resurrection of Jesus?

Can Historians Prove the Resurrection of Jesus?

January 29, 2025

Where do miracles fit into historians’ examinations of the past? How do we define miracles? Is a miracle an event for which natural explanations are inadequate, or is it the least probable explanation of an occurrence? Most historians accept that Jesus was put to death by crucifixion. Does this supp

Jesus’ Death By Crucifixion - Fact or Fiction: Michael Licona vs. Yusuf Ismail

Jesus’ Death By Crucifixion - Fact or Fiction: Michael Licona vs. Yusuf Ismail

January 22, 2025

If Jesus did not die by crucifixion, there was no atonement for sin, and Christianity is a false religion. If he did, Islam is the erroneous faith. In this episode, Dr. Michael Licona debates Muslim apologist Yusuf Ismail at the University in Potchefstroom, South Africa. Dr. Licona tackles Ismail’s

Gospel Contradictions? w/ Mike Licona

Gospel Contradictions? w/ Mike Licona

September 4, 2024

Mike Licona is one of the world’s most recognized experts on the resurrection. Join us live to hear his toughts abou the gospels, inerrancy, historical evidences, and the validity of the gospels. We are so excited to host this conversation and be sure to join us during the call in section and hop in

A Fresh Look at Inerrancy: Part two

A Fresh Look at Inerrancy: Part two

September 3, 2024

What are compositional devices? How do they affect our view of inerrancy? What does the Bible say about inspiration and inerrancy? In this episode, Dr. Mike Licona discusses his contention that the common evangelical definition of inerrancy, as outlined in the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy

A Fresh Look at the Doctrine of Inerrancy

A Fresh Look at the Doctrine of Inerrancy

August 27, 2024

What are compositional devices? How do they affect our view of inerrancy? What does the Bible say about inspiration and inerrancy? In this episode, Dr. Mike Licona discusses his contention that the common evangelical definition of inerrancy, as outlined in the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy

What Can Be Learned From Contemporary, Non-Scriptural Greco-Roman writings?

What Can Be Learned From Contemporary, Non-Scriptural Greco-Roman writings?

August 26, 2024

In this episode, Dr. Mike Licona walks the listener through some of the discoveries revealed in his new book Jesus, Contradicted. By examining Greco-Roman writings contemporary with the gospels, Dr. Licona has identified common writing techniques of the times that shed light on what we read apparent

Ancient Greco-Roman Story-Telling and the Gospels

Ancient Greco-Roman Story-Telling and the Gospels

July 29, 2024

Do apparent contradictions in the gospels mean we can’t trust them as reliable sources of information about the person and life of Christ? Dr. Mike Licona tackles this important question by examining ancient Greco-Roman biography, the genre to which the gospels belong, and the conventions used by au

Lydia McGrew Answered! Conclusion

Lydia McGrew Answered! Conclusion

July 5, 2024

In this episode, the final part in an 8 part series, Dr. Licona reviews and summarizes the problems with Lydia McGrew’s methodological interpretation of the Gospels. Then he argues that compositional devices is compatible with the biblical doctrine of inspiration. Finally, he pastorally guides us to

Lydia McGrew Answered! On Gospel Differences

Lydia McGrew Answered! On Gospel Differences

June 26, 2024

In this episode, part 7 in an 8 part series, Dr. Licona reviews several events in the Gospels to demonstrate how compositional devices are more plausible explanations than the explanations embraced by Lydia Mcgrew: forced harmonizations, or worse, that errors had occurred. These audio clips are take

Lydia McGrew Answered! More Methodological Missteps

Lydia McGrew Answered! More Methodological Missteps

June 21, 2024

In this episode, Dr. Licona walks us through more missteps by Lydia Mcgrew, including false dichotomies on the issues of chronological narration, and between compositional devices and Undesigned Coincidences This is part 6 in a series of 8. These audio clips are taken from Dr. Licona’s YouTube chann

Lydia McGrew Answered! On Plutarch

Lydia McGrew Answered! On Plutarch

June 19, 2024

In this episode, part 5 in an 8 part series, Dr. Licona patiently deconstructs Lydia McGrew’s contrived flow chart for determining when it is safe to consider if a compositional device has been employed. He also shows how she approaches ancient historical sources with her own pre-conceived views, an

Lydia McGrew Answered! Black & White Thinking

Lydia McGrew Answered! Black & White Thinking

June 17, 2024

In this episode, part 4 in an 8 part series, Dr. Licona demonstrates Lydia McGrew’s rigid approach that’s founded upon her presumptions pertaining to ancient historical reporting. Her black and white thinking leads to an all-or-nothing approach, exaggerated opinions, and inaccurate conclusions about

Lydia McGrew Answered! On Paraphrase

Lydia McGrew Answered! On Paraphrase

June 13, 2024

In this episode, Dr. Licona gives attention to Lydia McGrew's contentions that historians in antiquity would not have employed the literary exercises taught in the compositional textbooks by Theon, Quintilian, and others. This is part 3 in a series of 8. These audio clips are taken from Dr. Licona’s

Lydia McGrew Answered! Are the Gospels Greco-Roman Biographies?

Lydia McGrew Answered! Are the Gospels Greco-Roman Biographies?

June 10, 2024

In this episode, part 2 of 8 in a series, Dr. Licona answers Lydia McGrew's contention that the Gospels are not affiliated with Greco-Roman biography. He demonstrates that she misinterprets ancient writers on the subject, fails to consider the degree of literacy required for composition, and misinte

Lydia McGrew Answered! An Introduction

Lydia McGrew Answered! An Introduction

June 7, 2024

In this episode, part 1 of 8 in a series, Dr. Licona describes his research on Gospel differences and introduces us to a critical assessment of his work by Lydia McGrew, a Christian apologist. These audio clips are taken from Dr. Licona’s YouTube channel, originally published in 2020.

Finding the Validity of the Resurrection of Jesus

Finding the Validity of the Resurrection of Jesus

May 2, 2024

In this episode, Dr. Licona discusses his process for finding the validity of the resurrection while writing his book, “The Resurrection of Jesus: A New Historiographical Approach.” This interview was conducted by Wintery Knight and Desert Rose on March 23rd, 2024.

S6E10 - The Empty Tomb

S6E10 - The Empty Tomb

September 16, 2021

In this season finales to season 6 of the Risen Jesus Podcast, Mike Licona and Kurt Jaros discuss the evidence of the empty tomb, alternative theories to resurrection, and the timeline of Christ's crucifixion and resurrection. [0:00] Intro [1:19] Why the Empty Tomb is Important [2:08] Scholars who

S6E9 - James

S6E9 - James

September 6, 2021

James, the brother of Jesus, helps to provide to us with significant data regarding the ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Dr. Licona unpacks several key passages in this episode relating to James. [0:00] Intro [0:40] Why James is Important [2:12] Mark 3:20-21 [5:59] Different Interpretati

S6E8 - Paul on the Resurrection - Part 2

S6E8 - Paul on the Resurrection - Part 2

September 1, 2021

We conclude our mini-series on Paul's thoughts about the resurrection in his letters. Dr Licona walks us through letters that are undisputed writings of Paul, some that are disputed, and some more words that change meaning depending on who you talk to. Tune in! [0:00] Intro [0:59] Philippians 3:21

S6E7 - Paul's Thoughts on His Conversion and Our Resurrection

S6E7 - Paul's Thoughts on His Conversion and Our Resurrection

August 23, 2021

We continue our discussion from the last episode by doing a word study on biblical writing concerning Paul's conversion story and his thoughts on the future resurrection. Did they differ from the teachings of Christianity at the time? Mike Licona guides us through the text on this issues. Mike Lico

S6E6 - Jesus Appears to Paul

S6E6 - Jesus Appears to Paul

August 19, 2021

Paul's eyewitness account of Jesus provide us with some of the most compelling evidence within the historical bedrock. Dr. Licona unpacks these appearances from Paul's writings. [0:00] Intro [1:04] The Reasons Paul Relates to Historical Bedrock [5:13] Saul VS Paul [6:29] Paul as Eyewitness [9:45] P

S6E5 - Postmortem Appearances

S6E5 - Postmortem Appearances

August 18, 2021

Christianity claims that Jesus Christ appeared after his death and resurrection to several parties. Dr. Licona explores the data set we have concerning that claim. [0:00] Intro [1:40] The Earliest Report of Christ’s Postmortem Appearances [2:42] The Kind of Appearance Paul is Talking About [6:10] T

S6E4 - The Fact of the Crucifixion

S6E4 - The Fact of the Crucifixion

August 4, 2021

In this episode, we take a look at one of the most certain facts in history - the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth. What evidence do we have to support this claim? Dr. Licona explains. [0:00] Intro [1:53] The Data for the Crucifixion of Jesus [7:40] Objection: Non-Christian sources simply used the

S6E3 - Jesus Predicts his Death and Resurrection

S6E3 - Jesus Predicts his Death and Resurrection

July 26, 2021

Jesus's predictions of his own death and resurrection are of great interest to scholars and debated among them. Is it reasonable to infer that Jesus did, indeed, predict his fate or is it something that was fabricated later? Dr. Licona unpacks these claims. [0:00] Intro [1:03] Jesus Predicting his

S6E2 - Jesus, Eschatological Agent

S6E2 - Jesus, Eschatological Agent

July 23, 2021

What does it mean that Jesus believed he was God's eschatological agent? What do people have to say about his identity as a miracle worker or exorcist? Are these ideas connected? Find about these things and more as Dr. Licona unpacks these topics in this episode. [0:00] Intro [0:55] Eschatological

S6E1 - Intro to Historical Bedrock

S6E1 - Intro to Historical Bedrock

July 21, 2021

Welcome to beginning of season six of the Risen Jesus Podcast! We'll be spending the season unpacking the chapter from Dr Licona's book on Historical Bedrock. Join us for this introduction to the topic. [0:00] Intro [2:14] Historical Bedrock [6:21] Using Consensus to evaluate Data [7:53] Making a C

S5E10 - Season Finale

S5E10 - Season Finale

December 28, 2020

Welcome to the Finale of Season 5. In this episode, Mike recaps this season and specifically the heart behind his investigative method. He has a word for apologists who plan to appeal to the Gospels and also discusses what is next on his professional schedule. Mike Licona is associate professor of

S5E9 - Non-Canonical Christian Literature PT2

S5E9 - Non-Canonical Christian Literature PT2

December 21, 2020

We continue our discussion on Non-canonical Christian sources. Mike Licona is associate professor of theology at Houston Baptist University. HBU offers a fully accredited Master of Arts degree in Christian Apologetics that can be completed entirely online or on the HBU campus in Houston. For more i

S5E8 - Non-Canonical Christian Literature

S5E8 - Non-Canonical Christian Literature

December 14, 2020

Join us as we explore some apocryphal books in the Christian community and their evidential bearing on the resurrection of Jesus. Mike Licona is associate professor of theology at Houston Baptist University. HBU offers a fully accredited Master of Arts degree in Christian Apologetics that can be co

S5E7 - Apostolic Fathers

S5E7 - Apostolic Fathers

December 7, 2020

Several early church fathers wrote on the Resurrection of Christ. What can we learn from these apostolic fathers? Are their writings reliable? Mike Licona is associate professor of theology at Houston Baptist University. HBU offers a fully accredited Master of Arts degree in Christian Apologetics t

S5E6 - Non-Christian Sources

S5E6 - Non-Christian Sources

November 30, 2020

What do historical sources outside of the Christian community have to say about the resurrection? We'll walk through several ancient historians and their writings. Mike Licona is associate professor of theology at Houston Baptist University. HBU offers a fully accredited Master of Arts degree in Ch

S5E5 - Oral Formulas

S5E5 - Oral Formulas

November 23, 2020

We continue our dive into the oral formulas of the early Church that have been preserved in scripture. Mike Licona is associate professor of theology at Houston Baptist University. HBU offers a fully accredited Master of Arts degree in Christian Apologetics that can be completed entirely online or

S5E4 - Pre-Pauline Tradition

S5E4 - Pre-Pauline Tradition

November 16, 2020

What traditions and sources do we have for our faith from before the penning of the Gospels? In this episode, we discuss the early Christian community and some of the sources they provided. Mike Licona is associate professor of theology at Houston Baptist University. HBU offers a fully accredited M

S5E3  - Paul of Tarsus

S5E3 - Paul of Tarsus

November 9, 2020

In this episode, we explore the testimony, conversion, and letters of Paul of Tarsus as historical sources. Mike Licona is associate professor of theology at Houston Baptist University. HBU offers a fully accredited Master of Arts degree in Christian Apologetics that can be completed entirely onlin

S5E2 - Canonical Gospels as Historical Sources

S5E2 - Canonical Gospels as Historical Sources

November 2, 2020

Welcome to Season 5 Episode 2! In this season, we are diving into the historical sources pertaining to the resurrection of Jesus and discussing how probable or helpful some of them are. In this episode, we discuss the reliability of the Canonical Gospels as historical sources for the resurrection of

S5E1 - Intro to Historical Sources on the Resurrection

S5E1 - Intro to Historical Sources on the Resurrection

November 2, 2020

Welcome to Season 5! In this season, we'll be diving into the historical sources pertaining to the resurrection of Jesus and discussing how probable or helpful some of them are. Mike Licona is associate professor of theology at Houston Baptist University. HBU offers a fully accredited Master of Art

S4E8 - Do Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence? [SEASON FINALE]

S4E8 - Do Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence? [SEASON FINALE]

April 9, 2020

Is there a greater BURDEN OF PROOF for MIRACLE CLAIMS? Do extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence? In the final episode of this season of the Risen Jesus Podcast, Dr. Licona addresses these questions. Mike Licona is associate professor of theology at Houston Baptist University. HBU offe

S4E7 - Historians and Miracles: James D G Dunn and A J M Wedderburn

S4E7 - Historians and Miracles: James D G Dunn and A J M Wedderburn

April 2, 2020

In this episode of the Risen Jesus Podcast, Dr. Licona and Kurt discuss the contentions of New Testament scholars James DG Dunn and AJM Wedderburn that historians cannot investigate miracle claims. Dr. Licona discusses why he thinks Dunn and Wedderburn are mistaken. Mike Licona is associate profess

S4E6 - Mike Licona discusses Dr. Ehrman on Miracles: PT 2

S4E6 - Mike Licona discusses Dr. Ehrman on Miracles: PT 2

March 26, 2020

In this episode Dr Licona continues his discussion on Dr. Bart Ehrman and what he has to say about the nature of miracles. The Risen Jesus podcast with Dr. Mike Licona equips people to have a deeper understanding of the Gospel, history, and New Testament studies. The program is hosted by Dr. Kurt J

S4E5 - Mike Licona discusses Dr. Ehrman on Miracles: PT 1

S4E5 - Mike Licona discusses Dr. Ehrman on Miracles: PT 1

March 19, 2020

In this episode Dr Licona discusses his relationship with Dr. Bart Ehrman and what he has to say about the nature of miracles. The Risen Jesus podcast with Dr. Mike Licona equips people to have a deeper understanding of the Gospel, history, and New Testament studies. The program is hosted by Dr. Ku

S4E4 - Mike discusses John P. Meier on Miracles

S4E4 - Mike discusses John P. Meier on Miracles

March 12, 2020

Can we say that miracles happened theologically but not know it historically? In this episode Dr. Licona looks at John P. Meier’s claims about miracles and history. The Risen Jesus podcast with Dr. Mike Licona equips people to have a deeper understanding of the Gospel, history, and New Testament st

S4E3 - C. B. McCullagh vs. Mike Licona on Miracles

S4E3 - C. B. McCullagh vs. Mike Licona on Miracles

March 5, 2020

C. B. McCullagh is a big name in historical method. What did he think about miracle claims? Listen in as Dr. Licona explains. The Risen Jesus podcast with Dr. Mike Licona equips people to have a deeper understanding of the Gospel, history, and New Testament studies. The program is hosted by Dr. Kur

S4E2 - Hume on Miracles

S4E2 - Hume on Miracles

February 27, 2020

Are Hume’s objections to miracle claims valid? Listen in as Dr. Licona deconstructs Hume’s naturalistic framework. The Risen Jesus podcast with Dr. Mike Licona equips people to have a deeper understanding of the Gospel, history, and New Testament studies. The program is hosted by Dr. Kurt Jaros and

S4E1 - The Historian and Miracles

S4E1 - The Historian and Miracles

February 20, 2020

In the introductory episode of season 4, Dr. Mike Licona lays out various definitions and instances of what a miracle could be and addresses whether or not historians are allowed to investigate miracle claims. The Risen Jesus podcast with Dr. Mike Licona equips people to have a deeper understanding

S3E8 - Season Finale

S3E8 - Season Finale

September 11, 2019

Dr. Mike Licona and Kurt Jaros review the topics covered in season 3 as well as come of Mike's personal confessions and reflections after finishing his book, "The Resurrection of Jesus: A New Historiographical Approach." The Risen Jesus podcast with Dr. Mike Licona equips people to have a deeper un

S3E7 - The Postmodern Historian | Risen Jesus Podcast

S3E7 - The Postmodern Historian | Risen Jesus Podcast

September 4, 2019

Postmodernism presents many ideas that clash with the practice of studying history. Dr Licona discusses how one with a postmodernist perspective might view historical fact and research. What are the shortcomings and benefits of this type of worldview? The Risen Jesus podcast with Dr. Mike Licona eq

S3E6 - Arguments to the Best Explanation

S3E6 - Arguments to the Best Explanation

August 28, 2019

When discussing a candidate for "best explanation" there are several factors we should take into consideration (explanatory scope, plausibility, etc). Dr. Licona discusses what the various criteria are for arguments to the best explanation and how they apply to the resurrection. The Risen Jesus pod

S3E5 - Methods of Approaching Ancient Text

S3E5 - Methods of Approaching Ancient Text

August 21, 2019

In this episode, Dr. Licona discusses various ways we can approach ancient texts when studying history. Is history classified as "science"? How does probability factor into our view of history? The Risen Jesus podcast with Dr. Mike Licona equips people to have a deeper understanding of the Gospel,

S3E4 - The Uncertainty of Historical Knowledge

S3E4 - The Uncertainty of Historical Knowledge

August 14, 2019

How much certainty is required to believe a fact? What is a fact? Can we have absolute certainty? Dr. Licona explains how to navigate the spectrum of certainty and how it applies to history. The Risen Jesus podcast with Dr. Mike Licona equips people to have a deeper understanding of the Gospel, his

S3E3 - Transcending Horizons

S3E3 - Transcending Horizons

August 7, 2019

While it's important for us to understand our horizons, the next step is learning how to detach from them. Dr. Licona walks through the methodology of doing history apart from our biases and what it means to reach "historical consensus". The Risen Jesus podcast with Dr. Mike Licona equips people to

S3E2 - Horizons | Risen Jesus Podcast

S3E2 - Horizons | Risen Jesus Podcast

July 31, 2019

According to Dr. Licona we all look at the world through the lens of "horizons" - even the best historians. What are horizons? Does it affect the way we practice history and view texts like the Bible? The Risen Jesus podcast with Dr. Mike Licona equips people to have a deeper understanding of the G

S3E1 - What is History?

S3E1 - What is History?

July 24, 2019

In the season 3 premiere, Dr. Mike Licona addresses the concepts of History from his book, "The Resurrection of Jesus: A New Historiographical Approach". What is History exactly? Who do we trust? Why should we care about history when it comes to the Christian faith? Tune in! The Risen Jesus podcast

S2E7 - Synoptic Problem - Concluding Implications [Season Finale]

S2E7 - Synoptic Problem - Concluding Implications [Season Finale]

April 10, 2019

Mike Licona closes out season 2 by discussing important topics that the Synoptic Gospels impact; including inspiration, inerrancy, and undesigned coincidences. The Risen Jesus podcast with Dr. Mike Licona equips people to have a deeper understanding of the Gospel, history, and New Testament studies

S2E6 - The "Q" Source

S2E6 - The "Q" Source

April 3, 2019

What is "Q"? Is it a common source of the gospels? It's own gospel? How should we view the other gospels in light of Q? On this episode, Dr. Licona discusses the Q source, it's content, and alternative hypotheses. The Risen Jesus podcast with Dr. Mike Licona equips people to have a deeper understan

S2E5 - Markan Priority

S2E5 - Markan Priority

March 27, 2019

In a followup to the previous episode's topic, Mike Licona discusses Markan Priority (the counterpoint to Matthean Priority). Why is Markan Priority the prevalent view among scholars and what evidence is there to support this? The Risen Jesus podcast with Dr. Mike Licona equips people to have a dee

S2E4 - Matthean Priority

S2E4 - Matthean Priority

March 20, 2019

In this episode, Dr. Licona explores the idea of Matthean Priority (the hypothesis that the gospel of Matthew was written first). Who holds this hypothesis and what does it mean for other views on the gospel? The Risen Jesus podcast with Dr. Mike Licona equips people to have a deeper understanding

S2E3 - Observations of the Synoptic Problem | Part 2

S2E3 - Observations of the Synoptic Problem | Part 2

March 13, 2019

In this episode, Dr. Licona continues discussing some of the observations we see from looking at the writing style of the synoptic gospels (such as editorial fatigue and parenthetical remarks) and how these things suggest a relationship between them. The Risen Jesus podcast with Dr. Mike Licona equ

S2E2 - Observations of the Synoptic Problem | Part 1

S2E2 - Observations of the Synoptic Problem | Part 1

March 6, 2019

In this episode, Dr. Licona discuses some of the inferences one can make from looking at the writing style of the synoptic gospels. What types of observations are there to suggest a relationship between them? The Risen Jesus podcast with Dr. Mike Licona equips people to have a deeper understanding

S2E1 - Introduction to the Synoptic Problem

S2E1 - Introduction to the Synoptic Problem

February 27, 2019

At the beginning of season 2, we talk with Dr. Licona about the relationship between Matthew, Mark, and Luke - also known as the synoptic gospels. What's the best way for us to view the differences between these three perspectives? The Risen Jesus podcast with Dr. Mike Licona equips people to have

S1E8 - Advice for Future Apologetics (Season 1 Finale)

S1E8 - Advice for Future Apologetics (Season 1 Finale)

December 17, 2018

In the Season 1 Finale, Mike gives his advice to new apologists. Listen for helpful tips, perhaps most importantly having a spirit of humility. Season 2 kicks off in February 2019, so stay tuned!

S1E7 - The Dream Team

S1E7 - The Dream Team

December 10, 2018

Did you know that Mike led a small group which was integral in Nabeel Qureshi’s conversion? David Wood was a part of that group, too. Get the details on the Dream Team in this episode.

S1E6 - Mentoring Experience

S1E6 - Mentoring Experience

December 3, 2018

Mike says he wouldn't be where he is in his studies and public speaking without the help of mentors. Listen to Mike as he details his experience and explains the importance of mentoring.

S1E5 - Reflections on Debating

S1E5 - Reflections on Debating

November 26, 2018

Mike is one of the few Christian apologists who debates non-Christians. Why does he do it, how does he prepare, and what are his goals in debating? Be sure to subscribe to catch every episode of the podcast.

S1E4 - Why is Christian Apologetics Important?

S1E4 - Why is Christian Apologetics Important?

November 19, 2018

Why do some Christians throw shade on Christian apologetics? Listen to Dr. Licona discuss some of the ways the Bible addresses apologetics and why every person should be prepared to give a answer for the hope within (1 Peter 3:15). Be sure to subscribe to catch every episode of the podcast.

S1E3 - Dealing with Doubt

S1E3 - Dealing with Doubt

November 12, 2018

Mike is a second-guesser. Doubt is a part of his story. How does he overcome it? Listen to our third episode. Be sure to subscribe to catch every episode of the podcast.

S1E2 - Mike's Interest in Gospel Studies

S1E2 - Mike's Interest in Gospel Studies

November 5, 2018

Mike has given talks on a variety of apologetic issues, but he's a true scholar of history and the Gospels. Be sure to subscribe to catch every episode of the podcast.

S1E1 - Mike's Background

S1E1 - Mike's Background

October 29, 2018

In the inaugural episode of the Risen Jesus podcast, Kurt Jaros asks Mike about his upbringing, educational background, and more!